Club Meeting on 16-02-2024
Club Meeting on 16-02-2024
Club Meeting on 16-02-2024
1. Rotary day celebrations on 23rd Feb.The project to be led by Rtn Bikash 2. Seminar on world peace at KIIT 3. Start up conclave to be organised in place of science exhibition.A committee to be formed for smooth organisation 4.AGTS/DTTS program hosting details briefed by president 5. Fileria Rath to be flagged of on 17th February . 6.Reinitiate computer literacy training program.Rtn Rama to be in charge of the same 7.Rtn Amar to be incharge of Satthi project beneficiaries
Suraj K Raj | +91 9776881088 | Suraj@RajGroup.Company