Club Meeting on 10/11/2023
Club Meeting on 10/11/2023
Service Project Discussion 1. Innguration of Water Filter in Annanta Basudeba Temp project to be reinitiated by Rtn. Bikas Garabadu and Rtn. Bichitra Lenka on 13th Nov. 2. Rangatulee certificate distribution was completed by Rtn. Bichitra. 3.Global grant project at Kripaluji Maharaj Hospital will be completed in December as per the availability of Swamiji. 4. Breast Cancer Screening Project at BMC Hospital to be finalized by 20th Nov . 5. Charter Certificate to behanded over for new interact clubs at Xavier school samntarapur. 6.The project for installing incinerators and sanitary pad vending machines will be recommenced following a discussion with the Mayor on November 15th. 7. Requested members to register for TRF Seminar.
Suraj K Raj | +91 9776881088 | Suraj@RajGroup.Company