Club Meeting On 02/02/24

Club Meeting on 16-02-2024

1. Incininator installation decided to be installed at bar association and Sos village by next week. 2. Sanitary pad vending machines to be installed in schools by Month end. 3.Rotary day celebration by showcasing projects done from 10th to 19th Feb on filaria awareness. Seminars to be conducted at KIIT. 4.Guest lecture on world peace and understanding 5. Press release on rotary day. 6. No outside sponsorship for magazine 7. Reinitiate computer literacy training program 8.Science exhibition project to be planned.A committee to be formed. 9. ⁠ Club Picnic with new members induction on 4th Feb 


Suraj K Raj | +91 9776881088 | Suraj@RajGroup.Company 
