Who we are

Rotary club of Bhubaneswar Meadows chartered in 2014 has executed some ambitious and far reaching social impact programmes.

The economic empowerment programme concerning potato cultivators where all the aspects of production,financing and marketing were taken care of to Sahayata programme where New india assurance partnered with us to provide school benches,ambulance and organic backyard cultivation was an eye opener.

The CSR project of 40 lakh created massive impact for the club.In addition to these all programmes of Rotary international has been executed with lots of energy and accomplishments.Infact this is one of the club in the district where female members are in increased strength.The members coming from various professions are themselves leaders in their own profession.Small is not only beautiful but also the strength of our club.  



Rtn. Stephanie A. Urchick
President, Rotary International 


Rtn. Yagyansis Mohapatra
  District Governor

Rtn. Budha Prakash Mohapatra
Club President

Rtn. Rama Krushna Panda
Club Secretary

Awards & Affiliations 
